air and light and time and space

In another post, I talked about the impact Charles Bukowski had on my conception of poetry and how I write. One of his poems—“air and light and time and space”—has always stuck with me; at some point in the last year I realized it has long been part of my philosophy of writing, albeit subconsciously.ContinueContinue reading “air and light and time and space”

Slugging It Out

Writing has been a slog the last couple weeks. I’ve got 4 or 5 poems that I haven’t been able to finish for one reason or another. So, like any writer worth his salt, I wrote a poem the other day about how hard writing has been 😆 Slugging It OutIt’s not writer’s block,it’s writer’sContinueContinue reading “Slugging It Out”

Bang Head Here

It’s official: This week, I beat my personal record for rewrites. I’ve been working on poems based on the Psalms, and got a nice draft of Psalm 137 going. Twenty versions of the poem later, I’m almost done. Most of those 20 versions were spent trying to get the first stanza to my liking. IContinueContinue reading “Bang Head Here”